Monica's IT Girls BLOG

Day 9: Even AI's Can Be Biased

Monica Almaguer / July 28, 2022

Bias is not always purposeful or meant to happen. This is called cognitive bias; it means to unintentionally add bias when programming AI. Some programmers are unaware that they are adding bias to their AI. For example, if the data entered is primarily a certain race or ethnicity and the programs’ purpose is to hire people of similar characteristics or qualities it will go by the data and choose a candidate that is most like the data resulting in a less diverse workforce. To fix this issue people are becoming more aware of their program code and providing more diverse data sets. Programmers are also using processes to test or detect bias in AI Systems. It is not possible to make a completely unbiased AI because human bias is constantly changing or evolving, and these programs are written by humans and provided data by humans. The AI field is growing and learning people are the creators or inventors. AIs are based entirely on the prospective of its creator. When people start to recognize bias and apply it to AI then the AI systems will improve as well.

Thanks for reading!😊

Day 8: Museum of Play

Monica Almaguer / July 27, 2022


Day 7: Homework / ex. Bible Story

Monica Almaguer / July 26, 2022


I come from a generous family. Although we are not rich in monetary value, we are rich in our faith, family, love, and giving. This chart is very appealing to me because it shows both the poor and rich and whether they give or do not give. It is said to give something when you have nothing and give lots when you have multitude. Either way someone should give no matter whether they have or do not have. If you think you have nothing to give then you have a material mindset. You may not be able to give something monetary value, but you are always able to give encouragement or helpful advice. In the bible a rich man wanted to surrender his life to God. He told him to sell everything of monetary value and give all his money away. The man did not want to sell everything he owned even at the expense that he would not go to heaven.

Mark 10:17-31

Thanks for reading! 😊

Day 6: Are you Biased?

Monica Almaguer / July 25, 2022

Bias is when someone favors one thing over the other because their perception of a certain topic in limited only to what they know. A bust is when another person tries to convince someone of their bias and fails. Today during the Bias and Bust activity we were given scenarios of how to convince people of different ages of different topic. For example: the earth is flat vs the earth is a sphere and stay for college/boyfriend or leave for college. We used pictures of a flat and round earth, articles about America and Australia, and statistics to prove decreased costs or relationship probability. We each took turns presenting our ideas or topics trying to persuade our speaker. Then we were given about 5 minutes to find resources to bust the other teams’ ideas. Bias in my opinion is very similar to debate except you are trying to convince someone using their biases and appealing to them by empathizing with their bias or ideas. This was a very fun and interactive activity!

Thanks for reading! 😊

Day 5: Are you protected?

Monica Almguer / July 22, 2022

Cybersecurity is the protection over Personal Identifiable Information (PII). This includes social security, credit cards, bank accounts, identity, and anything considered personal private information. Michele used the following examples of threats:

These are threats people should be aware of so they can prevent falling victim to these ploys. There are many types of ways to prevent any type of hacking like virus or VPN protection for computers and databases. By taking the necessary precautions one can protect their PII. I think cyber security will continue to grow over time and evolve greatly. It is a very adaptive career field and it constantly improves due to hackers and viruses. I think as time goes on we will see more improvements in the field of cybersecurity.

I hope you enjoyed today's blog! 😊

Sub Day 4: My Favorite HTML Turtorial

Monica Almaguer / July 21, 2022

I chose this video because I wanted to add a gif background to my own personal website. This video is very helpful in this aspect as it gives detailed breakdowns to anyone interested. I hope this video is helpful!! 😊

Thank You for reading! 😊

Link Below

Day 4: Auroa Borealis

Monica Almaguer / July 21, 2022

Today my group studied Citizen Sciences. Citizen Science is when volunteers or day to day people help researchers analyze data on a topic. My group chose to analyze an ongoing project called Aurora Zoo. This is a study about aurora borealis or more popularly known as The Northern Lights. People who visit this website can help classify different shapes and help the current team of researchers. When people choose a shape that is similar to the short video clip provided it is helping the computer AI to identify and learn how to identify which shapes go with which image. This is a very fun and interesting website. The link is down below.

Auroa Zoo

Thank You for reading! 😊

Day 3: Scavenger Hunt(people edition)

Monica Almaguer / July 20, 2022

Today I had the opportunity to meet and speak with the Provost. Her name is Gretchen Ritter and she is not only the provost but also a professor. Not many people know who the Provost is or what they do. She overseas everything related to academics. For example: hiring faculty, promotions, support for research , student admissions, and curriculum. She communicates with the Deans of each school to stay up to date and respond to their requests. She greatly loves all the students and faculty and genuinely wants to see everyone succeed. They are constantly analyzing data to see how well something is working and being implemented. She uses email to communicate with other around campus and keep in touch with what is going on, on campus while she is away on business. She also uses technology to store and analyze data. This is a wonderful position, she has worked hard, and she is a very compassionate person.

Also, as an overall lesson for today. No matter what you study to major in; you may go into an entirely different field. Its okay not to know what you want to do long term in high school. Give yourself time to explore and know what you want out of life. 😊

Day 2: What Are Teachable Machines?

Monica Almaguer / July 19, 2022

A teachable machine is any technological machine that receives and analyzes data to learn. For example, Alexa, Siri, Google, social media, and many other applications analyze data to provide a more personal experience or to gain more intelligence of the world. The teachable machine that I created can differentiate between dogs, cats, and ferrets. By adding different photos of cats, ferrets, and dogs from the angel to the species, to the environment allows for random photos to be identified and not misidentified. I created this machine as a base for a more complicated idea. Take species of animal so from a photo the animal can be identified, and people don’t have to spend time wondering what species of animal it is. By choosing photos of multiple animals in the same frame to confuse the machine and helps to make improvements in your program. I see a future with artificial intelligence being used in autonomous vehicles. AI is an important aspect of autonomous cars as it is constantly analyzing information and reading its surroundings to make decisions about what action is required to complete their task. I hope this is a helpful blog post!

Thank You for reading! 😊

The link to my teachable machine is in the link below:

Teachable Machine's

Day 1: Mary's Impact on Cryptology

Monica Almaguer / July 19, 2022

Mary Louise Prather was born in Washington D.C. in 1913. Many personal and childhood details about her are unknown. She started working when she was 24 or 25 years old. She worked in the SIS as an entry level employee in 1938 and worked her way up the chain. She worked as an Administrative Assistant, Chief of the Stenographic section, personal officer for the General of the Cryptographic Branch, Chief of the Soviet Information Division, and Division Chief of the NSA. In 1960 she received her final promotion as Chief of The Soviet Information Division. She received the Commendation for Meritorious Civilian Service Award in 1946 for her decryption of two Japanese messages during WWII. In 1969 she retired and finished off her career as Division Chief of the NSA. She worked during World War II and beginning of the Cold War as a stenographer.