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"America’s first female cryptanalyst"

Wendy Wang / Jul 19th, 2022

Elizabeth S Friedman was a female American expert in cryptanalyst, which deciphered enemy codes in both World Wars and helped solve international smuggling cases during Prohibition. Elizabeth S Friedman and her husband worked for the U.S. government in the 1920s. They wrote the book on code-breaking for the U.S. Army and had the first cryptography class for soldiers during WWI.

During WWII, she worked as the Coast Giard in the Navy for detecting and monitoring clandestine spy transmissions. Her group solved numerous cipher systems that were used by Germans and their local sympathizers; also decoded 4,000 messages sent on 48 different radio circuits.

Teachable Machine

Wendy Wang / Jul 19th, 2022

In the class about artificial intelligence, we used the website Teachable Machine to train the computer device to specify the difference between distress screaming and happy laughing. We added in more than 8 audio samples for both distress and happy sections; also 20 samples for the background audio, which is people talking without extreme emotion. After the training, the computer can distinguish the majority of our input audio which is very impressive. Nevertheless, the happy effect audio also has people talking voices as the background audio, which is hard for the computer to tell the difference. I believe artificial intelligence can be used in the psychiatric hospital for detecting patients’ moods to make sure to provide medical intervention when anything goes wrong.

Our Teachable Machine

Scavenger Hunt

Wendy Wang / Jul 20th, 2022

During the scavenger hunt, we visited 6 departments in total. The department that gave me most of the impression is iSchool Admissions and Recruitment. Ms. Graves explained she worked with high school students who are interested in ischool, and her role in this department is to provide information about ischool to students, and works with them during the time that students showed interest in ischool till they attended college. Without technology and data, she can’t even have this job because it relies on technology so much. Data helps her to find the student who is the potential student for ischool; technology is the tool for her to contact students and the platform to put on college’s information.

My Favourite HTML tutorial

Wendy Wang / Jul 21st, 2022

This is the video that I found very helpful to learn HTML language for beginners. It introduces 7 tricks including the progress bar, editable bar, picture element, suggestion…..

Citizen Science

Wendy Wang / Jul 21st, 2022

Citizen science is the involvement of the public in scientific research – whether community-driven research or global investigations. We used Zooniverse to have the research of a specific project which is volunteered by thousands of citizen scientists. This topic influenced me a lot; I learned that not only people with scientific degrees can do research or gather data.


Wendy Wang / Jul 22nd, 2022